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Instand-NGS4P Lectures on NGS in Healthcare

Instand-NGS4P State of the Art Lectures on NGS in Healthcare by

  • Ivo Gut (CNAG-CRG, Spain) - "Experiences with Good Genomic Practice"
  • Sir Mark Caulfield (Genomics England, UK) - "100,000 Genomes: Transforming healthcare”

When: January 26th 2021, 13:00 – 14:50 CET
http://s.unimib.it/Instand-ngs4p (Livestream link)
Attendance is free. A recording will be available on the project website after the event: https://www.instandngs4p.eu/

INSTAND-NGS4P is an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project for improving cancer patient's benefit from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) by developing two different integrated and standardized NGS workflows. For this purpose, it will compile information from cancer gene testing, pharmacogenetics testing and e-medication in proper presentation to medical doctors for supporting therapy decision-making at bedside, widely applicable in health systems.

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